Brevard Federation of Teachers, #2098

Brevard Federation of Teachers, #2098


Brevard Federation of Teachers, #2098

1007 S. Florida Ave.
Rockledge, FL 32955
Anthony ColucciAnthony Colucci
(321) 636-3323 | fax: (321) 636-4366
Education Committee
Connect With Us

We are a professional organization working toward improving, protecting, and supporting the teaching profession, and the students and teachers it impacts. The Brevard Federation of Teachers is committed to ensuring every child receives a quality public school education. In doing so, we believe the professionals who devote their lives to providing quality education should be treated with respect and integrity. The Brevard Federation of Teachers represents teachers, and is represented by classroom teachers. We work to build community awareness of education related issues through relationships with community stakeholders and advocating for quality public education.

"The leadership of the Brevard Federation of Teachers represents professionals with a wide range of political views.  We recognize and value the differences of opinions across our membership, and appreciate that we come together for the shared value of improving our local, public schools.


The Brevard Federation of Teachers will never adopt any resolution or take a stand on a matter that is not directly related to the education of children.  While our affiliates may choose to take stands on matters not related to education, these views do not necessarily reflect the opinions of BFT leadership or our members."

Member Since: 1988
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 (Date: 3/10/2025)